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Massachusetts HIC or CSL Work Requirement Table

Massachusetts HIC or CSL Work Requirements for 1- to 4-Family Dwellings

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Resource Description

This comprehensive table outlines the specific requirements for performing construction or home improvement work on existing owner-occupied 1- to 4-family dwellings in Massachusetts. It details whether a Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) Registration, a Construction Supervisor License (CSL), or a building permit (BP) is required for various types of work, including structural carpentry, insulation, roofing, and masonry. This resource is essential for contractors, property owners, and building officials to ensure compliance with state regulations. Download this document to understand the necessary certifications and permits for each project type and avoid compliance issues.

The information shared by the Massachusetts Building Commissioners & Inspectors Association (MBCIA) is intended to enhance knowledge of building safety within Massachusetts. Recommendations provided are for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal or professional advice. MBCIA holds no liability for actions taken based on this information. Always consult with relevant regulatory entities and professionals for specific advice or guidance.

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